What an incredible time to be a part of what God is doing at SEU!

Since our founding in 1935, Southeastern University has been committed to providing a premier, accessible, and affordable Christian education while partnering with the local church. Through our partner site program, we come alongside world-class churches and ministry leaders to impact the next generation – and the world – for Christ as we also help meet the growing demands of the workforce.

Our heart is to train the next generation of leaders to serve Christ, and to be the university students want to attend to gain the knowledge and tools they need to impact the kingdom of God.

By stewarding the gifts God has given us and always striving for innovation, we continue to experience exponential growth. We have been named in the top 1% of the fastest-growing private universities in the nation. Our faculty design cutting-edge degree programs to meet the needs of students and the workforce. SEU’s Fire athletics programs compete for conference and national titles. Through our world-class faculty and staff, we come alongside students to help them develop and discover God’s divine design for their lives.

I am thrilled that you are considering joining our mission. I pray that God gives you wisdom in all of your decisions and continues to bless you and your ministry.

Dr. Kent J. Ingle, DMin

Mission & Vision

Equipping students to discover and develop their divine design to serve Christ and the world through Spirit-empowered life, learning, and leadership. The two benefits of Extension Sites are accessibility and affordability.

Partnership with SEU

Why Partner with SEU?

SEU Partner Sites provide the unique experience for their students to develop as learners and leaders in all facets of their life through real-time contextualization and application. This opportunity allows them to be educated, equipped, and empowered to flourish in whatever God has called them to, during and after their time in your Partner Site program.

Mutual Partnership Model

Southeastern University (SEU) offers a unique, church-based extension site program through which students can earn a degree.

The program, which includes nontraditional course delivery and on-site ministry practicum experience, is designed to extend the mission of SEU by offering an affordable, experiential-based learning program that capitalizes on the university’s strong curriculum and the unique mission of each local church. Through a mutual partnership, the university and the church facilitate a learning experience with course work and practicum opportunities in the fall and spring semesters. Upon graduation, students will have earned a quality, regionally accredited degree, which will enhance their future church and ministry opportunities.

What We Offer


  • Degree (AA, AML, BSML)
  • Discounted Tuition Rate
  • Online Class Delivery
  • Training & Resourcing
  • Site Development & Direction
  • Enrollment, Academic, and Financial Aid Support
  • Face-to-Face Classes
  • Site Fees
  • Marketing Support
  • Practicum Offered (Including Scholarship)
  • Additional Degree Options


  • Degree (AA, AML, BSML)
  • Discounted Tuition Rate
  • Online Class Delivery
  • Training & Resourcing
  • Site Development & Direction
  • Enrollment, Academic, and Financial Aid Support
  • Face-to-Face Classes
  • Site Fees
  • Marketing Support
  • Practicum Offered (Including Scholarship)
  • Additional Degree Options
  • On-Site Location and Launch Support
  • Paid Staff Potential from SEU
  • Marketing Budget
  • Increased Number of Face-to-Face Classes


Academic Programs

Please review the academic programs of choice below. Students will complete their studies on either a two-year of four-year-track, within a cohort of students. The extension site program provides flexibility for two educational delivery models: online and hybrid.

Program Details: Associate of Arts in General Eduation

Core learning that is transferable to a four-year baccalaureate degree.

Program Details: Associate of Ministerial Leadership

Foundational ministry skills to satisfy AG credentialing requirements.

Program Details: Biblical Studies, Christian Ministry, Pastoral Care & Counseling, & Worship Ministry

In addition to AG credentialing requirements, students will earn a full degree with an optional minor. 

Delivery Models

The extension site program provides flexibility for two educational delivery models: online and hybrid. The purely online format offers students the flexibility to complete course work in a non-classroom setting with no set times or meeting spaces. Work is completed independently in a collaborative electronic format with assistance from a qualified instructor. The hybrid format builds on the foundation of the online learning program by supplementing online course work with face-to-face interaction. Students are expected to complete all assignments within the online course as well as attend all face-to-face sessions.

More specifically, the number of students enrolled at a particular site will determine the delivery model. Where required, the local church may hire facilitators to assist with higher-order subjects such as mathematics, English composition, and biblical hermeneutics.


In addition to the online and/or face-to-face courses, each extension site student will earn three credit hours free of charge through on-site ministry experience. While SEU establishes the requirements and expectations of students within this facet of the program, this experience is facilitated within the various ministry areas of the church, with the goal of providing hands-on, practical ministry experience. Students will be required to properly document and substantiate the student experience in order to receive academic credit.


Partner Site Tuition & Fees

Annual Total — $11,006 (Estimated total cost to student)

Program Cost:  As part of its commitment to ministerial preparation, SEU offers the church-based extension site program at a reduced tuition rate. During the 2022-2023 academic year, tuition is charged at a rate of $339 per credit hour. Therefore, a full-time student would be charged $4,068 per semester for 12 credit hours (or $8,136 annually for 24 credit hours). Additionally, an optional site fee of up to $5,000 per semester may be charged to the student (the average site fee is around $2,000 a semester). As collected and on a predetermined schedule, this site fee is remitted back to the site to cover various expenses. A $175 technology fee will also be charged each semester ($350 annually).

Beyond the aforementioned tuition and fees, the extension site may charge additional fees for housing, mission trips or other approved activities; however, these additional fees must be collected by the site. Other fees for textbooks, computers, travel and educational supplies are to be assumed by the student.

Financial Aid

Because SEU is a regionally accredited institution, its partnership with a church enables enrolled students to pay for their college experience using federal financial aid. To be eligible for such funding, the student must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid, also known as a FAFSA (SEU’s school code is 001521), and maintain 12 credit hours each semester. In doing so, the student may be eligible for federal aid in the form of a Pell Grant, Federal Direct (student) loan or Federal Parent PLUS loan.

As part of their studies, many students enroll in the Student Ministries Practicum course. The cost for this course is $0 and may be offset by either a practicum scholarship or a credit on the student’s account.

Student enrollment is based on a full-time equivalency (FTE) calculation. Each full-time student is counted as one, and part-time students (i.e., enrolled in less than 12 hours in the current semester) contribute to the FTE calculation based on the hours enrolled.

Additionally, the university will offer one scholarship for every 40 students (FTE). The annual scholarship amount will equate to the tuition of one full-time student enrolled in 12 semester credit hours (or $4,068). Each scholarship may be applied to no more than two student account balances per semester 

Site Director & Training

At successful and growing sites, the church dedicates one individual who will commit a significant portion of time to marketing, recruiting, admitting and assisting students through the various stages of their academic tenure. These individuals would work with SEU to facilitate the various aspects of the student experience.


The effectiveness of the extension site program is directly connected to the quality of instructor facilitation. Therefore, the university goes to great lengths to identify, vet, approve and train qualified faculty to serve as instructors for each course. If a site employs a purely online model, it may have the opportunity to nominate individuals to serve as online instructors; however, priority will be given to existing full-time and adjunct faculty. In cases that all or some of the courses are face-to-face, individuals will be hired by the university to teach locally, assuming they possess the appropriate academic credentials.

The Summit

Every year, SEU facilitates trainings for new and existing extension site coordinators held on the SEU campus. Additionally, the university will provide instructional and technical training for extension site faculty and best practices training for individuals serving as facilitators.

Establishing a New Site

Follow the link below to view the steps, milestones, and tasks involved in establishing a new site through SEU’s extension site partnership!


Kami Kolkana, Director of Academic & Extension Operations
kekolkana@seu.edu | 863.667.5133